The Nigerian Proclamation, Naija T-shirts, Top Up Nigeria
The Nigerian Proclamation:
SolomonSydelle created a document to serve as a symbolic protest against the recent electoral process,general misconduct in our great land and the expectations we have of the new administration. We have to let our leaders know that they will be held accountable for their actions and that we as a nation and individuals should strive to improve our country.
Click to read THE NIGERIAN PROCLAMATION and send the link to everybody you know. It is about time we stop TALKING about our issues with our leaders and start DOING something instead. You never know what that LITTLE step you took could lead to.
The "Naija T-shirts":
So yeah,summer's here.. and it's tyme to put away them coats and jackets (yes you with the avirex jacket,you must be sweating loads under and put on the skimpiest day clothes you can find -- more specifically, the "T-SHIRT"! And what way to rock this classic look than putting a twist on it and being patriotic aswell...Naija Inspired Tees! We've got both sexes covered with this designs...
And we assure you that the pics work this tyme!

Click Neutra-Shirts to visit the website.
NaijaTees UK:

Click NaijaTees for more information.
CafePress Naijatees:
And for our peeps across the ocean, We've got CafePress NaijaTees...They have got the designs on mugs,doggie-tees,bags,kiddie wear and unisex tops.

Click HERE to view more designs
And the good thing with all these tees are that they are reasonably priced (a range of £10-£20 and the equivalent in $$$)
Yeah,the website that is going to bleed you dry in terms of buying friends and relatives back in Naija credit has finally launched!!! It's looking guud,and it's proving popular with credit for MTN,Glo...already sold out! So get prepared to start receiving calls and texts to buy pple credit...we warned you!!!!
From The Otha Side: Mario - How Do I Breathe.
I love love this song...finally he released a video for it, u can download the audio unda the downloud link......
Labels: weekend digest